Did the Google Street View Car capture a ghostly face peering out the window of The Stuart Hotel in Liverpool, UK?
The Stuart Hotel is known for it’s hauntings and this just ads to the mystery of it’s reported haunted happenings.
Some of the other reports of haunts at The Stuart Hotel include:
In 1897, the then landlord of the Stuart Hotel was a down-to-earth 41-year-old Wallasey man named Robinson Pemberton investigated a strange scratching noise in the cellar of the pub, and believed it was a rat, but then the noise became louder and was soon heard in neighbouring houses.
“Three days later the pub was shaken from top to bottom and the windows of the pub were left open in case the vibrations shattered the glass.
“The noise then stopped, but a drinker tapped three times on the walls of the pub one night – and received three knocks back.
“The noise in the cellar then kicked off again, as well as the sound of a distant bell, which was heard for a week.
“A priest from St Mary’s Church left a Bible in the cellar and the noise was never heard again.”

The photo was shown to Chad Morin, Paranormal Author and Researcher in the United States, he told GhostHuntersFans.com, “That is most definitely a creepy looking face in the window, but I would need to investigate there myself under controlled experiments, I don’t think it’s doctored, and I can’t say for sure no one was in the window at the time of the Google Car driving by, but it looks like some good evidence.”
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Tommy Lundell, Paranormal Journalist, will be checking in with GhostHuntersFans.com readers each week as the season progresses.
I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on dialspy!