Jason Hawes from Ghost Hunters Interview

Now that your former partner,Grant Wilson, has gone on to other ventures, who on the TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) team has really stepped up?

Jason HawesOh, Steve [Gonsalves, the tech manager], 100 percent. Most people don’t realize Steve’s been with me longer than Grant. He’s been with me for years longer than Grant.
Q: At the beginning of the show, we saw you do a lot of investigations in private homes; now it seems more weighted toward businesses and historical sites. Why is that?
A: I have final say on what cases we investigate, but Syfy and Pilgrim Films have final say on what airs on the network. So it’s totally understandable. There are a lot of cases we do that never air.
Q: Can you go anywhere without being recognized?
A: It’s usually not bad. In [my home state of] Rhode Island, because it’s such a small state, everybody’s used to seeing me. Out of state, of course, a lot of people do. They’re mainly really decent people. Of course, it’s awkward when somebody’s standing next to you at the urinal in the airport, and they want to shake your hand.
Q: You’re very vocal about your political views on Twitter. Has anyone asked you to run for office?
A: Many people have. Maybe. We’ll see. I don’t know. It’s a scary avenue to go down. But of course, it would be nice to actually get out there and fight for the people rather than hidden agendas, like 85 to 90 percent of them do.
Original Article HERE
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2 thoughts on “Jason Hawes from Ghost Hunters Interview

  1. Grabt needs to bome back once in awhile and Jasoncan you tell why your show was not on as long this time as when grant wasthere

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