A MYSTERIOUS “ghost child” appeared on a Video Door Bell at a UK Church – and they fear it could be the antichrist.
The pair were posing near a 12th century church close to the aptly dubbed “Devil’s doors”.
Natalie Wilkinson, 28 and her friend Kerry Morris, 31, saw an online listing for bell ringers for the Christmas Holiday and thought it might be a good thing to try.
They turned up to St Nicholas’ Church in the village of Thorne, Doncaster, South Yorks, and had a tour before taking a quick snap.
But they were stunned to find what they claim is the ghostly face of a little boy behind them.
They since found out the church’s north doors are known as ‘Devil’s doors’ because they were meant to be left open to let the bad spirits out.
Natalie, from Doncaster, said: “It’s quite freaky up there being a church and as old as it is, the steps are narrow and old wood, meaning only one person could squeeze down at a time.
“After exploring we headed down to the bell floor, being the last down I said ‘quick let’s take a selfie’ as no one would believe what we had been doing on this random night.
“We took the selfie and headed back to the group not realizing what we had captured.
“It wasn’t until we were walking home when we were about to head in different paths that we decided to take a look at the pictures we had taken, there were multiple but there was one that stood out.
“We were both freaked out and nervously joked about it being the Antichrist.”
After taking the supernatural photo, the two friends got in touch with a local ghost hunting group.
They reportedly confirmed the authenticity of the picture, adding there was no rational explanation for the mystery face.
The church’s grounds also contain a memorial for two young soldiers who were killed in World War Two on the same day.
Natalie added: “Shaken, we went our separate ways after we saw what was on the pic.
“When the following week came, we both decided not to return to our newfound hobby because we were too freaked out by our previous encounter.”

Original Article Here
Do you have a ghost hunt experience that you think is truly paranormal, tell us about it in the comments below.
Richard Klement is a writer for Ghost Hunters Fans.com and other Paranormal Publications, writing about his passions of the paranormal.
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While I do, absolutely, believe that ghosts exist, I doubt this is a photo of the “Anti-Christ” It is more likely, in my opinion, to be the spirit of a young boy who used to be a bell ringer. Perhaps he felt they were intruding on “his” job! Its a fascinating picture! Great catch! I lived for three and a half years in a house that was haunted until my family and I couldn’t take the touching, scratching, and knocking any longer!!! So I know they (ghosts) exist!!